Last Updated, Feb 1, 2024, 4:39 AM Press Releases
LTE: We should compare Biden and Trump fairly

To the editor:

This is regarding the letter to the editor in the paper last week, “Are you better off now than four years ago?” I am independent, so I usually do not take sides at such an early stage of the political game, but that article was obviously written by a so-called Trumper. That is fine and it’s their opinion, but there are two sides to both President Biden, who was left with a lot of things to clean up after Trump that he is getting blamed for, and Mr. Trump. Where was his list of mess-ups? He had them too. I didn’t see them listed. If you are going to compare, then do both sides for both people. They both delivered some good and some bad. Let’s try to play fair when printing such information.

Marcia Boudrow

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