Last Updated, Jun 10, 2024, 4:53 PM Business
How To Plan for the Ultimate Summer Road Trip

Summer is the time for beaches, baseball, and the occasional road trip. A long-distance road trip may be more time consuming than taking a flight or train, but it’s also much more affordable and offers travelers the opportunity to experience the country up close. Below, we’ll show you how to plan for the ultimate summer road trip with helpful tips and advice!

Outline Your Itinerary and Route

The first thing road travelers should do is figure out a general plan for their route before they embark on the journey. Even if you have a satellite GPS or plan on using a map app on your phone, it’s best to create the route before you leave and save it to the device or write it out on a physical map.

When you’re driving, you don’t want to distract your eyes by looking at a map and trying to figure out your best route in real time, especially if you’re traveling on highways and freeways. Having a general plan of where you’ll go, when you’ll stop, and where you’ll stay (if the road trip is over multiple days) will make your life on the road much easier.

Take the Roads Less Traveled

As you plan your general route for the big road trip, consider taking side excursions to explore some of the roads that are less traveled. Interstate highways are undoubtedly the fastest way to drive across the country, but they’re not the most memorable.

If you want your road trip to be an experience that allows you to see new parts of the country, don’t be afraid to take some of the back roads or make stops at nearby attractions like monuments, state parks, and whatever else catches your eye. If time constraints don’t confine your trip, take the opportunity to see things you may never get to experience again on your journey.

Prepare Your Car for the Journey

You can’t plan for the ultimate summer road trip if you don’t have a vehicle capable of handling the journey. Before you even start planning, you’ll need to prepare your car for the summer road trip with inspections and services that ensure it’s capable of handling the long journey.

You’ll need to prepare it inside and out—from a new wash and wax for the exterior to safety and repair kits inside for emergencies. Plus, don’t forget to prepare some entertainment like playlists, car games, and even audiobooks.

Stay Flexible

While we’ve been talking about the importance of planning this whole time, you can still enjoy the occasional detour on your road trip. A road trip is all about the freedom of stopping wherever you want. You’re not on a bus or a plane with no control; you’re the pilot for this journey!

If you come across a landscape that’s so mesmerizing you need a second look, pull over safely and take a moment to take it all in. Or if you see a unique restaurant or road attraction, don’t be afraid to make an unscheduled pit stop—the most fun and memorable stops are often the ones you didn’t plan on!

We hope our guide helps you have the most fun, safe, and memorable road trip of your life! Remember that the journey is just as important as the destination on a road trip.

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